Международные отношения по специальному курсу Фашизм и экстремизм в политике (на англ. языке) Смольного отделения свободных искусств и наук Филологического факультета Санкт-Петербургского Государственного Университета.

осталось написать ЕГЭ на 96 баллов, поступить на бюджет и проучиться там два года для воплощения этой мечты)

This course focuses on fascist and extremist movements from a variety of perspectives. The first part of the course develops an understanding of fascism as a concept, using primarily the case of Nazi Germany. It considers the following questions: What is fascism? How does it arise? What are its main principles (or does it have any)? Who are its supporters and beneficiaries? How important are concepts like modernization, totalitarianism and anti-Semitism to our understanding of fascism? The second part of the course will compare National Socialism in Germany with fascist movements in interwar Italy and Eastern Europe (Croatia, Hungary, Romania), as well as with Peronism in Argentina. The third part of the course examines extremist movements in the post-war era, including religious and racist groups in the US, nationalists and skinheads across Europe, and terrorist groups in various parts of the world.