

I don’t know how to start, what to write… This time it`s my turn to be the guest writer… To be “the guest” …
First of all I want to thank a lot to my club girls who are still preparing the newspaper “KLEVER”. I am very proud of you!
I started a new life in Turkey, in Antalya. People always say that new things make you feel “new”, too. NO, it is not like that this time. Yes, I started a new life with a new school and new students, but none of them makes me feel good, none of them makes me happy. Just the opposite, my heart hurts. I cannot be happy here as I was with you there. Wherever I go, whatever I do here, I am always thinking of you, believe it or not, I am living with you, I am living YOU… I`ve been feeling myself much older since I came from St. Petersburg and every day I am getting older and older here.
You cannot even guess how much I want to be there now, how much I am missing you. Sometimes I see Russian tourists here, I immediately want to hug them and talk to them about Russia, about St. Petersburg, about you… I am not listening Turkish songs anymore, all of the songs I listen and the films I watch are in Russian. I`ve put your photo on my mobile phone`s screen, each time it rings you are smiling at me from there, you are smiling… but I am crying each time I look at you… I am keeping you in the deepest place of my heart; nobody will be able to take you out of there, nobody and nothing. You are my best and you will be always like that!
People say that it doesn’t snow here, it never snows, always hot… But I am freezing when I am far from you… The only thing which keeps me hot is to believe that you are with me, too… aren’t you?...
I can still hear your voice in the corridors at break times, your whispers in the rooms at nights, still see you in the dining room with your ablas while having tea times… I am still waiting for you to write “permission papers” on Fridays…
One morning, you will hear a voice which wakes you up: “LADIES HURRY UP, I`M LOCKING THE DOOR!” But until that morning, please, don’t forget me…Whenever you wish, knock the door next to the TV room, I will be there, waiting for you… Love you so much.
Sümeyra ÜNER

15.12.2007 в 15:58

Я перед Вами,а теперь остальные Ваши два желания.
комментарии излишне.
15.12.2007 в 19:53

У меня льются слезы, тупо ручьем.Заливая Enter и Shift...Трясутся плечи,печатать трудно...Бля...я почти все это забыла,мне казалось,что мне удалось спрятать это все глубоко внутри...Бля...буквы плывут...Очки вымокли..Мне больно.МНЕ БОЛЬНО!!!Мне очень больно....Больно,слышите,кто - то там наверху!!Ебать всех тех,кто выгнал турков!!!!!-простите,я просто...просто...Бля,бля,бля!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Как я хочу их всех обратно!!!!Или хочу к ниим!!!!!Просто увидеть...третий день караулю Сюмейру в мсн,бесполезно..безрезультатно.Блин..не то...не так...нет....

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