Notwithstanding being distraught with terror, the alarm by bit cut the comb of me. I couldn't help laughing. You can't pull yourself together, but you're still brazening out. It brought me to rapture. I dare you to do that. There's nothing to be gained by your being! Want to get round sb? Slip. Flash in the pan. Who is to blame? However the temptation is too big... Learn to neglect and don't bother about the world. That actually beats me! It counts for much, but never count on me. Do u wanna kick up a row? No, I loathe irking people and hate to submit. Recile to your fate and fuck off. I'm in high spirits today, but it doesn't mean a hearty welcome. My face is grave as usual. Don't flatter to me, don't mince the matters, speak your mind and be free of your own accord, otherwise, upon my word, it will go hard with you. Mind your own business. Thank you for your time, byyye.

14.05.2008 в 00:39

Stretch your legs, but don't get them pulled.
14.05.2008 в 00:40

Stretch your legs, but don't get them pulled.
Эндрюс всему этому научил, или сама?
14.05.2008 в 21:46

это после курсов английского на малфаке, Эндрюс вообще ничему подобному не учит.
14.05.2008 в 21:55

Stretch your legs, but don't get them pulled.
Очень много "хороших слов". И идиом. "to cut the comb" не знаю. И в словаре нет. Что это?

П.С. Эндрюс, на самом деле, учит (по крайней мере, нас). Но очень мало.
14.05.2008 в 22:00

Всё должно быть сделано настолько простым, насколько это возможно, но не проще. А. Энштейн

to cut the comb - что - то типа обломать, "сбить спесь" - нам так Ашот перевёл, когда в хомридинге было :)

Может я ошибаюсь..
14.05.2008 в 22:02

унижать, опускать

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