Да, молодая. Да, юношеский максимализм. Да, глупости это все. Да, я, кажется, предупредила все ваши возможные скептические комментарии на этот пост. Но этот парень из Аризоны выразил одно из тех чувств, которое сильно засело во мне.
Простое письмо из рассылки путешествующих вокруг Света.
Steve Hunt, 27.
тема: Looking for a travel partner
message to: Round the World (RTW)
I feel stagnant! I have recently come back to where I always want to leave. I have always wanted to just go with whatever I have and just keep moving but have never had the guts. Granted I've never had much money but I have always had enough for roof and food. I want to go beyond that. If there is anyone out there that feels the same way and maybe needs a travel partner to kick start thier journey let me know. I would be willing to meet somewhere half way from my city to yours or my country to yours and we could go from there.
Let me know
I would like to leave by april first. I will not have much money. Maybe $500. I want to travel for a long time. Working here and there, Squatting, Camping, Sleeping on Beaches, Hitch hiking, Dumpster diving, Organic Farms, The whole nine yards. I want to travel with someone who is willing to stick it out through the hard times and no money at all times.
I am thinking about heading from Phoenix down through Mexico and into South America. I am open for anything though.
Steven Hunt.
Простое письмо из рассылки путешествующих вокруг Света.
Steve Hunt, 27.
тема: Looking for a travel partner
message to: Round the World (RTW)
I feel stagnant! I have recently come back to where I always want to leave. I have always wanted to just go with whatever I have and just keep moving but have never had the guts. Granted I've never had much money but I have always had enough for roof and food. I want to go beyond that. If there is anyone out there that feels the same way and maybe needs a travel partner to kick start thier journey let me know. I would be willing to meet somewhere half way from my city to yours or my country to yours and we could go from there.
Let me know
I would like to leave by april first. I will not have much money. Maybe $500. I want to travel for a long time. Working here and there, Squatting, Camping, Sleeping on Beaches, Hitch hiking, Dumpster diving, Organic Farms, The whole nine yards. I want to travel with someone who is willing to stick it out through the hard times and no money at all times.
I am thinking about heading from Phoenix down through Mexico and into South America. I am open for anything though.
Steven Hunt.